Purpose Statement
The Evangelism Outreach is an extension of, and is a vital part of, the church whose mission it is to reach out into the community to reach lost souls for the Lord; to visit the prisoners, convalescent homes, hospitals, sick and shut-in, and go on door-to-door missions. The aim is to share the gospel, win souls by witnessing and living a God First life style, and increasing church membership. (Matthew 28:18-19, Acts 2:47; 1:8 and Proverbs 11:30).Our ultimate goal is to fulfill both the great commission given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, “to go into all of the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” (Mark 16:15) and to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation by means of one-on-one, door-to-door, street team witnessing, and door hanging evangelism methods.
The New Life Evangelism Outreach team goes out into the community every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month to witness and lead the lost and un-churched into a saving relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to both encourage and invite those individuals to visit our church, as well as other churches in their area.
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday morning at 11:00 a.m.
Is for men and women who have a burning passion to reach the lost and help those who are in need. It is for men and women who understand the "Great Commission" that Jesus gave in Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:47 and Acts 1:8. The Evangelism Ministry teaches men and women the biblical principle of discipleship and empowers others so that they will take full advantage of what the kingdom has to offer in this life and in the world to come. This ministry helps increase church membership.
Our goal is to draw the youth to Christ by giving them real hope for the future. Our ministry is motivated by Matthew 25:36 – “I was in prison and ye came unto me’. Five Star Evangelism
Whether you need salvation, healing or deliverance, this team of seasoned saints will pray with you until the Lord shows Himself strong and mighty in your situation.
New converts are mentored in the Gospel and the ways of Christianity by this team of dedicated evangelists.
These prayer warriors are dedicated to tearing down strongholds and bringing Godly interference in the Earth.
Showing the love of the Lord, this team of nurturing individuals brings the compassion of God to those who are unable to attend service or Bible study.
On fire for the Lord, the street team is taking the uncompromising Word of God to those in the community.
This team is specially trained in meeting children where they are to bring them to where Christ is.